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Finally... I had miss one day to blog which is yesterday -.-III I was very tired yesterday after finish gym... I spend whole afternoon by chatting with my friend (S.J.Y) in facebook and my dear cousin ( Zack Wong) who migratted to Canada 3 years ago... I'm happy that he is coming back to visit me during this coming October : )

Beside that, today 6pm I'm going to school to help teacher in the school band concert with my 2 friends which is Gavin and Ronny . I will take some photo during the concert and upload it in the next post.

Things I want to share today are one funny joke (shared by Prince Tarabas II in facebook ) and my study time table :D ... I used almost 2days time to complete my time table.


一天,Derrick 正在看VCD,老妈捧了一本书进来…

老妈: 这个'I don't know'是什么意思?
D: 我不知道…
老妈: 送你上大学读了几年,你怎么什么都不知道?!
...D: 不是!就是'我不知道'嘛~
老妈: 还嘴硬!说完老妈给了我一巴掌
老妈:: 那 'I know' 是什么意思你应该知道吧?!
D: 是'我知道'
老妈: 知道还不说?
D: 就是'我知道'呀!
老妈: 知道你还不说!?不懂不要装懂!
老妈: 'I know but I don't want to tell you'是什么意思?
D: 呜呜呜…妈…你打我吧…

My Time Table

That’s all for today

Thanks for reading :D



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