Follow me , my friends =D

Whoaaaaaaaaaaa...Fire bell rang...Lol ! ! !
All of the student who in block c, third flour went down to the basketball court to have the fire drill training... There were so many students with a camera standing at the ground flour whose helping teacher to take photo of those student who escape which is known as ponteng in malay... and those student who arrive lately to the basketball court within 5minutes...
All of the students who in the block c , third flour went as quickly as they could which is included me of coz :D to the basketball court and stand for about 10minutes... after that , they went back to their own class and prepare for the next period of lesson as usual...

This morning I was looking for my add math exercise book (1) which was distributed by addmath teacher yesterday , but non of my friends helped me to take and pass it to me ? == what the hell ?
I still cant believe that my friends will do that to me ... but luckly my exercise book (1) were found in the Chemistry Lab... Thanks God :D... You think i will angry because of this small case ? Nah... you were wrong... :P I'm not that small gas which is direct translate from chinese words (小气) XD ..but hopefully that they would do that ever again.

Besides of that..I have 1 last thing to share with you all before I end this diary for today, which is a dialogue created by me , Gavin Teng and Barry Lam :D...the title of the dialogue is 'ways to obtain a good exam result' :D

Ways To Obtain A Good Exam Result

Ananda: Hey Gavin, you seemed to have changed a lot these days.

Gavin: You think so ? Why do you say so ?

Ananda: Hmm, Your exam result of this semester had improved a lot compare with the previous semester.

Gavin: Not really , actually my parents found me a tuition teacher since i failed my school examination during the previous semester.

Ananda: Wow! Nowonder your exam result improved that much ! Congratulation ...

Gavin: Thanks Ananda. Honestly, I do not count on my tuition teacher all the time. Sometimes we have to study not just during tuition time but also during our free time.

Ananda:Oh, I see. So thats why your exam result improved that much in sudden. Sometimes during the recess time, I always saw you at the school library studying. Is that one of your way to improve your studies ?

Gavin:Yes, but I always finish my school works before I start to do revison. At school, I will have my breakfast before i go to the library to study.You should know that with an empty stomach , you cant concentrade on your study. Lastly, dont spend to much of your free time by playing computer games but you should spend your free time to study.

Ananda: Oh, thanks for the advice Gavin . By the way, would you like to join me and some of my friends for a movie ?

Gavin: I would love to. Well, Lets go then .

The End

Thanks for reading :D


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